The XMPP-IT Community's PeerTube Instance is Online: A New Hub for XMPP Protocol Videos

We are happy to announce the launch of the XMPP-IT community's PeerTube instance, a dedicated platform for sharing and discovering videos about the XMPP protocol and its applications. This initiative is aimed at fostering a deeper understanding of XMPP, promoting its use, and showcasing the innovative projects within our vibrant community.

PeerTube, as a decentralized video hosting network, aligns perfectly with the ethos of the XMPP protocol, emphasizing privacy, freedom, and community governance. By choosing PeerTube, we are not just creating a repository of knowledge but also making a statement about the importance of decentralization and user empowerment in the digital age.

Our new PeerTube instance is a community space designed to bring together enthusiasts, developers, and users of XMPP. Whether you're looking to learn about the basics of XMPP, discover advanced features, or stay updated with the latest projects and applications, this platform will serve as your go-to resource.

Open for Contributions

Members of the XMPP community are encouraged to contribute by creating and sharing their own videos. Whether it's tutorials, project showcases, or discussions on XMPP topics, your contributions are welcome.

How to Get Involved:

To become a part of this exciting new platform and start sharing your videos, please reach out to us at with your channel request. We are looking for content that enriches our understanding of XMPP, from technical deep dives to practical guides and community stories.

The XMPP-IT community's PeerTube instance

Welcome aboard!

The XMPP-IT Community Team


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